
Archive for September, 2022

I am a hypocritical sinner

I am a hypocrite, a sinner, a man only God (and my mom) can love.

I always talk about loving dogs, protecting dogs, must do this, cannot do this. However, when the time comes when it matters, I am worse than a dog hater.

I will not get into the details. Suffice to say, I did not protect Ricky. He was a golden retriever that was intelligent and full of love. I did not stop him from doing something I KNEW would hurt him. I did not take him to the vet immediately.

Ricky who just turned 4 on 09 Sep is no longer with us.

I cried. I missed him. I also felt so guilty. It was me. I could have prevented it.

I have been asking God for forgiveness. I asked my mom for forgiveness. I am a sinner. I am a hypocrite.

I have not said much since that fateful Friday morning last week. I know if my family saw this, it may trigger them.

Ricky was such a good boy. He is forever a good boy.

I want to thank God for everyone that loved Ricky. I want to thank God for Ricky who love everyone.

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